New Canaan parent confident petition will spur referendum on school start times
Grace Duffield
Francesca DeRosa was signing a petition given to her by Amy Zinser in front of the New Canaan Playhouse that will prompt a referendum that if passed will reverse a decision on school start times. Picture was taken on Sunday, May 2.Grace Duffield / Hearst Connecticut Media
NEW CANAAN As grade-school parent Jennifer Dalipi stood on Elm Street last weekend gathering signatures to spur a referendum, she said she is “pretty confident” she has more than the necessary 681 signatures.
The referendum calls for the school budget, voted upon by Town Council, to return to the Board of Finance for re-approval. The Board of Education is the only town body with the authority to change line items on the school budget, according to state law. Town Council and the Board Finance only have the authority to reduce the entire budget by the desired amount.