BLOOMINGTON- The City of Bloomington Common Council Interview Committee-Team B will meet on February 1, 2024, in the Kelly Conference Room 155, City Hall, 401 N. Morton Street. The public may also access the meeting at the following link: .
At the Nov. 20 city council meeting, four adults, a high school student, one business, and a school received Wheaton s first Sustainability Awards from the city s environmental improvement commission.
BLOOMINGTON - Bloomington Common Council Interview Committee -Team B will meet on Friday, October 6, at 12:30 p.m. in the Dunlap Conference Room 235, City Hall, 401 North Morton Street. The public may also access the meeting at this link. The committee will meet electronically for the purpose of .
BLOOMINGTON - Bloomington Common Council Interview Committee-Team B will meet on Monday, October 2. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Dunlap Conference Room 235, City Hall, 401 North Morton Street. The public may also access the meeting at this link. The committee will meet electronical .