Crestwood has a new zoning code approved by the Board of Aldermen earlier this year that changes how the city handles zoning issues.
Aldermen unanimously passed the revamped zoning code Jan. 12, the culmination of an ongoing project since 2018 between the city and planning firm Peckham Guyton Albers and Viets.
The Planning and Zoning Commission formally adopted the draft ordinance from PGAV last year, beginning with the sign code.
The most significant revisions change zoning powers and create a special zoning district along Watson Road, known as the “Watson Road Overlay.” The new overlay district will apply to zoning for the redevelopment of the former Crestwood mall site proposed by Dierbergs and McBride Homes.
The Crestwood TIF Commission that will be examining whether to grant tax incentives for the redevelopment of the former Crestwood mall site proposed by Dierbergs and McBride Homes met for the first time this month, with a public hearing and possible decision expected by May.
The two developers did not give any specifics or dollar amounts on the tax-increment financing requests at the Feb. 4 meeting, but Dierbergs Director of Real Estate Brent Beumer, a Sunset Hills resident, gave a conceptual overview of the project and confirmed, as first reported by The Call, that the developers are not seeking any tax subsidies for the subdivision proposed by McBride.
The Crestwood Board of Aldermen may vote tonight on a new zoning code for the city, marking the end of an undertaking that has been years in the making.
The Board of Aldermen is slated to hold a second reading on the new zoning ordinance when it meets by videoconferencing at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22.
The revamped zoning code has been an ongoing project between the city and planning firm Peckham Guyton Albers and Viets since 2018. The Planning and Zoning Commission began reviewing the draft ordinance from PGAV in July 2019, beginning with the sign code, which was formally adopted by the Board of Aldermen in January this year.