post pictures of yourself yet i find myself completely addicted. what is your twitter handle? goldstein brooke. i knew that would happen. you only post pictures when you are truly happy which is never. you are miserable all the time. what do you expect people to post? shear a picture of me here is a peck tour of me at home soothing my boils. i would rather come back and the house be ransacked. that would be the best part of vacation photos is when you telegraph you are not home and everybody will come over and steal everything. andy, i never have seen you post a picture unless you are on a date, so never. it is true. was there a question?
post pictures of yourself yet i find myself completely addicted. what is your twitter handle? goldstein brooke. i knew that would happen. you only post pictures when you are truly happy which is never. you are miserable all the time. what do you expect people to post? shear a picture of me here is a peck tour of me at home soothing my boils. i would rather come back and the house be ransacked. that would be the best part of vacation photos is when you telegraph you are not home and everybody will come over and steal everything. andy, i never have seen you post a picture unless you are on a date, so never. it is true. was there a question?
him a bad vice president? he didn t place the phone call that got to the wrong they dial the phone for him and say here, sir.a leave all message. it is not his fault. i don t know if we could say anything that was bad we were going to play the in gaph reel. i love that big stick gaph more than anybody. that s my favorite. he has been a good vice president for president obama. he is totally authentic.en if he weren t people would say r he is a phony. you complain about obama reading from the tele. ys proker. he is tele prompter. he is the same in private as he is in public. can we get that peck tour with his hands up like this? this is when he put on his giant invisible hat. he puts it on and thinks he can fly. you know why obama loves joe biden?tell he makes obama look smart. whenever obama is having a bad
and then you look at a peck tour of the girl. and then you look at a picture of the girl. paul, you often claim to have a gig in memphis. are you buying the story? no, he is totally doing the thing with the thing. try to keep it clean. i am proud of the guy. we have a congressman who sent the tweet and didn t attach a photo of his privates. but here is the thing. he meant to direct message her. what is it with these guys in congress who don t know how to operate direct messaging. they are responsible for sending drones to palestinian houses and they can t send a message to gairl in texas. somebody needs to develop a twitter app where it comes up and it pops up and says do you need to send this as a dm and
out to sea. in thailand and asia, a lot of the sailors didn t want to do search and rescue because they felt the spirits were in the water. people were literally swept back out. i got another note from one of the government agencies we watch. there is a serious warning for the smaller islands that are not volumeic in nature. they say some of the islands will literally be they will be covered in water for a significant amount of time. they say they will get a much clearer peck tour of what will happen and why when the waves first hit. adam, i m sure they are watching that closely. they are. and we saw some of this stuff. remember we did the story about two years ago with