initiated coverage on shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina (NASDAQ:PEBK – Free Report) in a report issued on Monday morning. The brokerage issued a hold rating on the bank’s stock. Separately, TheStreet raised shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a report on Friday, […] started coverage on shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina (NASDAQ:PEBK – Free Report) in a research report sent to investors on Monday morning. The brokerage issued a hold rating on the bank’s stock. Separately, TheStreet raised shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a […] assumed coverage on shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina (NASDAQ:PEBK – Free Report) in a research report released on Sunday morning. The brokerage issued a hold rating on the bank’s stock. Separately, TheStreet raised shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a research report […] started coverage on shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina (NASDAQ:PEBK – Free Report) in a research report sent to investors on Sunday. The firm issued a hold rating on the bank’s stock. Separately, TheStreet upgraded Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a report on Friday, […] started coverage on shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina (NASDAQ:PEBK – Free Report) in a report published on Friday morning. The firm issued a hold rating on the bank’s stock. Separately, TheStreet raised shares of Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a research report on […]