A number of final year medical students claim they were forced to wet themselves during a formal exam to avoid being disqualified from the online test.
The Doctor s Association UK (DAUK) has stepped in to represent the students following a string of complaints to the UK Foundation Programme (UKFPO) over the way they handled the virtual exams.
The UKFPO exam in December was being sat by students across the country using the Pearson Vue system - a secure online testing programme.
The Situational Judgement Test the students had been sitting was two hours and 22 minutes long.
The complaints include one student who claims they were disqualified for going to the toilet, despite trying to contact the exam invigilator multiple times without hearing back.
The General Pharmaceutical Council expects the delayed summer 2020 preregistration assessment for provisionally registered pharmacists to go ahead as planned in March 2021.
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