Pits a sight few thought ptheylled ever see a subdued peven civil donald trump urging pfellow republicans to unify pbehind his conditioned daes pappear current front run are ptrying to cull evacuate an pirrelevant inveft ability around phis campaign despite not having pa yet reached required number of pdelegates to become the nominee. Pi guess theres two of us up phere that can. Pand two of us that cannot. Pbut if, no, thats just, by the pway, that is not meant to be a pcriticism. Pthats just a mathematical fact. Pokay . P trump who this morning picked pup an endorsement from candidate pben carson is close trailing by ptexas senator ted cruz who ptrying to sell himself a anti pestablishment conservative in prace. Pthis election is about you and pyour children. Piths about the freedom america phas always had. Pand making sure that that pfreedom is there for the next pgeneration. Plast nights debate was also a pchance for marco rubio to make a pmuch needed ground in his home pstate where
Live music attendance (or lack thereof) has been a steady subject in these pages over the past few months. There weren’t a lot of venues relying on the live music model to begin with, but now with a few recent closures, we’ve all been talking about who still goes to shows and, more importantly, who doesn’t. And