you know what he farmed? corn? wheat? vegetables? receive was a peanut farmer, right? i know him. jesse: who is this? john f. kennedy. jesse: what does the f stand for? franklin. franklin? fitzgerald. remember the supermodel he dated. jackie. jesse: that was his wife. marilyn monroe happy birthday mr. president jesse: he had a famous saying ask not what your country can do for you have . ask what you can do for your country ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country jesse: what do you do for your
you know what he farmed? corn? wheat? vegetables? receive was a peanut farmer, right? i know him. jesse: who is this? john f. kennedy. jesse: what does the f stand for? franklin. franklin? fitzgerald. remember the supermodel he dated. jackie. jesse: that was his wife. marilyn monroe happy birthday mr. president jesse: he had a famous saying ask not what your country can do for you have . ask what you can do for your country ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country
thank you so much. i understood you were having trouble with tickets and i looked at this audience and there must be 80,000 people in here. he said, that s not funny. i don t get it. even a joke about himself he thinks diminishes him in some ways and he cannot handle that. in a way that is impossible to actually do anything constructive. he ll hear rush limbaugh say it was a great speech. he will say to himself and his advisers will say keep doing what you keep doing. they didn t like you during the campaign and you won. don t go back. jimmy carter gets elected. everybody, for two years, says no way a peanut farmer from plains is going to get elected. so he gets elected and suddenly tip o neill and people who know how to run washington try to explain it to him.
whether it s for a retired general without a lick of political experience or a former peanut farmer from the deep south without any washington experience. or an illinois backwoodsman taking command of a nation just as it s coming apart. or a ridiculously young massachusetts senator emerging from the closest american election to that date. or an african american during record crowds to witness a moment whether they voted for that moment or not. because that is now. it s the moment. it s not the man. some day soon i hope not the woman. not the office holder. the office. not just the president, the presidency. not just the guy in the white house, the white house. the institutions that define us. so much bigger than the passing occupants that come and go before us. inaugurations are about honoring that and all of us. the space in time that we give space to each other even as many
in with all the degrees that errol mentioned and i think errol makes a good point that perhaps trying something else. you never know what could be achieved. and i want to echo something that my good friend jeff lord said last your. you had a peanut farmer from georgia come in and forge peace from egypt and israel. he had been governor of georgia and also had been elected president at that point. and also had a full cabinet and staff. to compare jimmy carter and the jared cukushner. a bright guy. executive of a company. why not try it. he is jewish faith and understands one side of the argument and might be able to bring light and understanding between the two camps. anna do you want to jump in here? i think so many have tried and failed. the they want to throw out jared kushner, he brings the complete