and also lucas draisy, former chair of college republicans in iowa. this is a sense of how much these republican candidates realize that the iowa caucuses, we talk about it every four years, how critical they are. and the key piece there is organization. getting key players who know the state, who can organize voters, get them out to those caucuses, work for barack obama in 2008 with some of his early hires, rick santorum, some of the other republicans now trying to replicate that as well, carol. ed henry, we love having you. thank you. reporter: good seeing you. your next political update in one hour. and a reminder for all the latest political news, go to our website, a homeless woman has been charged with a crime. because of where she sent her 6-year-old son to school. that story s next. and did you know a law actually protects airplane peanuts from the government? so a big peanut ban in the skies looks pretty darn done likely. we ll talk about that, too,
apartment. now our daily dose of health news. let s talk peanuts. you can still get a pack of them on most planes. you know those little packets. last year the department of transportation offered all kinds of ideas to protect people with peanut allergies. one option was a total peanut ban. but the government says there is actually a 12-year-old law that blocks them from tampering with the peanut policy. some airlines have their own rules. some no longer serve peanuts. and others say they might set up peanut-free zones, but the government cannot force the airlines to stop handing out those little teeny tiny bags of peanuts with about ten peanuts inside. it s eerie and it s dangerous. the radiation dangers around the fukushima nuclear plant. we get an exclusive look at the homes left behind in the wake of that disaster. that s in the next hour of the cnn newsroom. [ sneezes ] allergies? you think i have allergies?