i ve had with you in the last two years. it is it is completely clear now that the vaccines don t really work at all against omicron in in these highly vaccinated and highly boosted countries. i ratesnf of infection are incredibly high and rates of a serious disease and death are also rising. the israelis are are predicting that they re going to have more serious cases than they ever had at the peak lastes year. and thea idea that we would solve this with another booster is is just off the charts insane. i have not said this to you p before because i m pretty carefull and i m pretty careful with the data. but these vaccines, these manyhe vaccines, the rna covidid vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market now no one should get them. no one should get boosted. nono one should get double boosted. they arere a dangerous and ineffective product at this point against the spike that they make your body make that you then produce antibodies. who is t not the armacost spike? and earlier tod