but it s not helping me personally. i think that s right. i think that about a quarter of the people think that they re not as well off as they were before all of trump. i think a quarter think they re better off and half think it s about the same. so three-quarters don t think they re better off. but that said, the overall perception is positive. there was another poll that came out yesterday or the day before by the economist that gave trump a 51/47 approval rate of handling the economy, the only issue on which he was over 50% on his handling of an issue. i don t think the economy as you know as of literally today is in the longest peacetime recovery in history and also the slowest, but the longest and unemployment is 3.6%. i really don t think there s any view other than the fact that the economy is a tail wind for the president at this point in time. that could change, but right now it helps him in his re-election. and noah, he s running on that. he s running on the economy, ar
continue to decelerate as we move into the quarters. you saw it right there in the second quarter and you can now see a very steady deceleration. so steve, about 50% of economists are saying that we re going to be in a recession. is that number going on? again, possibly not even because of donald trump, but just because of cycles and we have been growing as an economy for a very long time. the obama recovery is now in its what, eighth year? yeah, in june this recovery will be the longest peacetime recovery in history. recoveries generally don t die of old age except sometimes they do. there are some thing to worry about, particularly in things like housing which is starting to get quite weak but you look at the outlook and on the next chart you can see that the convention tall wisdom among economists is not for recession