the ice caps that are broken apart and look at those. oh, bob. freezing at an alarming rate. the globe is getting colder, bob. no, it s not. no, but that s also global warming. see, it doesn t matter what the weather is. they claim that it s global warming. in certain parts of the world. you have to admit, the climate does change. you can t refute that. you guys got us. climate change. you re right. part of the reason it s changing is because we ve thrown all these carbon monoxides up there. do you think greeley did peace r greenpeace runs that ad in china or brazil? i bet they laugh and throw them out of a window. i want to move on. that was a stupid way to celebrate christmas. here s a nice way to honor christmas. these are the guys of duck dynasty. they re on a uso tour singing with general dempsey. here they are. i am not much more christmas carols or sing-alongs, but this is probably a better way, eric,