putin because it would slow and stop their economy. and i can tell you, from being in ukraine, for the days that i ve been here. they are going about their daily lives. their economy is still moving forward. but they also know that there may come a time if putin crosses that line that they will have to stand up and defend their country. and i walk, when i leave here, i will leave with the confidence that they will just do that. the ukrainian people that i ve spoken with, and we spoke to some here that come from different parts of the country. they are resolved to protect their democracy. today the pentagon laid out some of the resources russia has at the border. take a listen to general milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. 100,000 troops and you ve got combined arms formations, ground maneuver, artillery, rockets, air, all the other peace parts that go with it. there is a potential they could launch on very, very little warning. that s possible.