Junimart menyatakan, anggaran sebesar Rp8 triliun itu juga diperuntukkan untuk pengadaan kantor KPU di sejumlah daerah yang selama ini masih berstatus sewa.
Syafruddin memperkirakan dana yang terkumpul pada 17 September mendatang mencapai Rp5 miliar hingga Rp8 miliar. Untuk itu, dia berharap para investor dan juga pelaku pasar modal lainnya dapat berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini dengan bertransaksi di pasar modal.
"Dalam penyidikan perkara dugaan korupsi suap DPRD ini, KPK telah dilakukan penyitaan uang dengan jumlah sekitar Rp8,075 M," katanya di Gedung KPK, Jakarta Selatan, Minggu (8/8).
PDP8 expected to be tabled for government approval in June 18:18 | 03/05/2021
The draft Power Development Plan 8 will have to undergo one more round of tweaks
At the meeting between ministries and relevant authorities, which was hosted by Le Van Thanh, Deputy Prime Minister cum head of the National Steering Committee for Power Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) was asked to review the draft Power Development Plan 8 (PDP8).
This masterplan was not approved in late March under the 2016-2020 government term as expected, though the MoIT on behalf of the Appraisal Council presented the report on the assessment of the draft PDP8 for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045. Accordingly, the Appraisal Council reached a conclusion that the draft PDP8 met the conditions to be submitted to the government for approval.