lobby. about people like margaret sanger the god mother of planned parenthood who advocate eugenics. who thought that the mission of abortionists should be, quote: to stop the multiplication of the unfit and specifically they meant black people and people with congenital conditions and defects. people who they considered unwanted life in this country. the other sort of basic point about this is can we leave the disney princesses alone? does everything have to be the realm of political correctness? can t we have a safe space from that pc insanity? ainsley: can you imagine explaining that to your daughters playing with that disney princess daughter? can we let them be innocent for as long as we can, please? steve: i saw one tweet regarding this from somebody who was really offended. they said planned parenthood has murdered 3 million disney princesses in the last 10 years.
dana: in the back of the book segment tonight, what the heck just hadn t? pc insanity is consuming commencement addresses and arizona state university is giving students unbelievable excuse to get out of final exams. first on this tax day. anarchists are pump ling anti-trump protests berkeley this weekend. here with their thoughts greg gutfeld and bernard mcguirk. gutfeld, you went to berkeley. i did. dana: did you ever get caught up in something like. this i was a wild radical in my day. white guy are dread locks. i had many, many tattoos. this is history lesson for everybody. violent rioters mug and beat up those who seek to row romanticessing. just want your wallet and maybe your daughter. dana: does anyone ever get in trouble for this? you are not going to get me in trouble on this show, greg. does anyone ever get in trouble for this, greg? does the left ever say
dana: in the back of the dana: in the back of the book segment tonight, what the heck just hadn t? pc insanity is consuming commencement addresses and arizona state university is giving students unbelievable excuse to get out of final exams. first on this tax day. anarchists are pummeling anti-trump protests berkeley this weekend. here with their thoughts greg gutfeld and bernard mcguirk. gutfeld, you went to t berkeley. i did. dana: did you ever get caught up in something like. this i was a wild radical in i was a wild radical inmy my day. white guy are dread locks. i had many, many tattoos. this is history lesson for everybody. violent rioters mug and beat up those who seek to romanticize them. just want your wallet andd maybe your daughter. dana: does anyone ever get in trouble for this? you are not going to get me in trouble on this show,