ainsley: why do some women feel that way why are there trawl feminist that believe they should do everything themselves? i have no idea. like asking to explain crazy. i don t know why they are so upset. distinction is not discrimination. somebody is not discriminating against you or holding you back because they opened the door. not that they don t believe you can t open the door, it s doing something that nice something that we all frank delay for each other anyway. if you are being served firstor helping you with luggage or god forbid they are not knocking you down in the aisle when you try to get off the plane, that s just basic civilization. at the end of the day men are our allies. this is creating a lot of toxicity in society. my plea here ainsley is if you want to be miserable,able miserable yourself. don t muck tum for the rest of us. ainsley: some believe this pc culture has gone way too far. what s been the reaction to
forward which is to get rid of universities all together. pete: conservative philosopher roger scrut-on-controversy by suggesting we scrap cforts all together to end bias on campus. jedediah: gaining traction as new op-ed means pc culture could mean an end to american universities. pete: here is charlie kirk. are campuses that are gone so far left are they irredeemable. is it time to start our own or scrap them al all together? i m not sure yet. the trending on college campuses is concerning. look at the list at some of the most outrageous politically correct moments i will share a few real quick. evergreen state college in oregon. some of the students petitioned their professors to have their feelings factored in to their grades at the end of semester. at clemson university they had a lecture by one of the
then it is about female characters. and it was the first abortion of a female character. but today s pc culture with a toxic masculinity or femininity. and without license to kill timothy dalton with vanessa redgrave a very strong female. and they wanted to put bond into the future. but all the female characters. ad from license to kill watch this.
jesse: the pc culture constantly on offense. last week discussing the op-ed will political correctness killed classic movies? we showed several controversial clips like this one from blazing saddles. . thank you. . .
equal but the bond films and then it is about female characters. and it was the first abortion of a female character. but today s pc culture with a toxic masculinity or femininity. and without license to kill timothy dalton with vanessa redgrave a very strong female. and they wanted to put bond into the future. but all the female characters. ad from license to kill watch this.