oh, it s exactly because you re telling me what s on my own show. that s the price you build it t up and it s just like me coming out of a peanut. you want tou, go p?lease please coml e. ws i want to do both shows back to back alley. okay, all right. oh, we ll take it underr advisement. that sounds like a lotad. take it under.f doesn t know how to get out ofrb here. double troublele right handed. awesome show tonight. and i am laura ingraham. this from washingtonn tonight. and we begin with a miwid term hail mary from the democrats. we knew it was coming. right. and if there s anything we ve learned, it s that joe bident loves telling tall tales. f and over the past couple ofseem months, his white house seems e caught the same fever, at least when it comes to furni burnishing that reputation. thatit will take more time and resolve to bring inflation b down, which is why, again, we in passed the inflation reduction act. we we meaning democrats, not republicans. what
be something else. now the democrat golden has really tried to distinguish himself from national democrathh . he went against the american rescue plan. he had criticized the student loan pla wenn. e stud buent then joe manchin, the supposed moderate, brought him in to vote yes pbut on the inflationma bro reductio. so now he s got that hanginges around his neck. it s proven unpopular. manchin got sold a bill ofl of goods. he s up there trying to stump for him. bit that s anotherds that toug. hdee got too close to bad.ate chris , great to see you at nex the big board again next week. all right. democrats are desperately trying to charge trumpcharge t the crime. we know that, but they re ignoring real crimes that are terrorizing americans across the country. in fact, a fox country businessl almost stolen while a reportera wares covering wisconsin s can governor s race today, if youit can believe it. so candidatenatorial ,they were covering, tim action n michaels, he joins me with his