including and extend iing inford unemployment insurance. worker retraining for the unemployed. the president also proposed $140 billion to help keep 280,000 teachers on the job, as well as firemen and police officers. and to build infrastructure. we can put people to work rebuilding america. everyone here knows we have badly decaying roads and bridges all over the country. our highways are clogged with traffic. our skies are the most congested in the world. reporter: some economists are bullish on the plan. moody s mark zandi expects it to, quote, add 2 percentage points to real domestic product growth and 9 million payroll jobs and reduce unemployment by a percentage point. the president said the $447 billion plan would be paid for 100% but he did not detail how it would be paid for. those details will come later in the month when he presents plans for deficit reduduion. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. the f ft that it will be paid for, that s got to appease the republic
of that answer from ben bernanke, if the fed isn t going to be the one that gets job growth back and congress and the white house have sort of left the playing field, then what are we left with? well, first, let me say, i thought that answer was pathetic, lame, and shows that the fed chairman doesn t have a clue as to why our economy has been failing, not just for the last few months of nonrecovery but for the last 10 years. and the reason it s failed, and the evidence is clear, last month we had 130.7 million payroll jobs. if you check the record, you ll see we also have that same number in november 1999. so for 12 years, several business cycles, serial bubbles, the fed taking the economy up and down. we have gone nowhere. we have not created one net job. and if you look at the composition, it s even worse, because we ve got about 10% of our middle class jobs. now, i blame the fed for the
a fifty-ton train makes barely a mark on the environment. and a country facing climate change finds climate solutions. somewhere in america, we ve already answered some of the nation s toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. maryland, virginia, and pennsylvania recorded sizable gains in employment last month. across the country 33 states posted increase in jobs with maryland leading the country with a gain of 35,000 payroll
can t find jobs. arthel? arthel: we heard the president on his official kickoff of his campaign for reelection, he says, are we satisfied? of course not. the white house is saying the economy is continuing to heal examine it takes a long-term view. what can you tell us about that? the chairman of the president s counsel of economic advisors points out the unemployment rate has fall finance 9.1% in august to 8.1% in april and he says most of that drop is due to, quote, increased employment. he goes on to say, quote, the economy has added private sector jobs for 26 straight months for a total of 4.25 million payroll jobs over that period. krueger says the u.s. needs to continue with president obama s economic blueprint that is, quote, helping us dig our way out of
as you say, it really doesn t feel like it. we ve had this very slow growth pattern since then. it s really not a strong enough growth to feel much of a difference. even if we do have a double dip it s from a lore point and a point of not a good position to start from. by the way, when we re talking about a double dip, we re talking about a recession, a short lived recovery and back to another recession. we had better than expected jobs report today. that s a good thing. i don t want to underplay the jobs report. but we heard ezra kline say you need more job growth than that to sustain a recovery. what other concerns do you have about gdp and what other signs that might indicate our growth is slowing where economists are going to look at this and say maybe we are in recession? this is an example of the age of diminished expectations. people on wall street were exalting over this 117,000 payroll jobs. that s not going to cut it.