[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] come to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare a re cess for the committee at anytime. Entitled bureaucratic overreach for Consumer Protection. Examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict composition in the payments. Without objection all members have five legislative days to submit extraneous materials for inclusion in the record. I want to recognize myself for five minutes to give an opening statement. Todays hearing, bureaucratic overreach or Consumer Protection, examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict competition in payments in my view is critical to talk about this large participants in the general use of Digital Consumer payment applications market. This is the sixth lpr that the cfpb has initiated. And putting aside the egregiously period which frustrates both members of this committee, the deeply flawed cost benefit analysis which are both have become hallmarks of this administration, i find the su
Cspan is your unfiltered view of governnt funded by these Television Companies and more, including mediaome. At media, we believe that whether you ver here, or in the little of anywhere, you should have access to fast reliable internet. Thats why were leadinghe way taking you to 10 g. Mediacom supports he spent as a Public Service along with these other Television Providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. Up next, financial and Technology Stakeholders share their thoughts on the proposed rule to regulate payment apps and digital wallets. Backers say it is necessary to protect consumers, while opponents say the rule is too broad and could limit competition. The houseo hours. [indiscernible conversation] the committee on digital access, Technology Without objection, the chair is authorized to clear a recess at any time. This hearing isâ– nn1 titled bureaucratic overreach or Consumer Protection, examining the latest action to restrict competition in r protection, examining the c
[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] come to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare a re cess for the committee atanytime. Entitled bureaucratic overreach for Consumer Protection. Examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict composition in the payments. Without objection all members have five legislative days to bmit extraneous materials for inclusion in the record. I want to recognize myself for five minutes to give an opening statement. Todays hearing, bureaucratic overreach or Consumer Protection, examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict competition in payments in my view is critical because its going to talk about this large participants in the general use of Digital Consumer payment applications market. This is the sixth lpr that the cfpb has initiated. And putting aside the egregiously short Comment Period which frustrates both members of this committee, the deep analysis which are both have become hallmarks of this administration, i find
[inaudible conversations] come to order. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare a re cess for the committee at anytime. Entitled bureaucratic overreach for Consumer Protection. Examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict composition in the payments. Without objection all members have five legislative days to submit extraneous materials for inclusion in the record. I want to recognize myself for five minutes to give a opening statement. Todays hearing, bureaucratic overreach or Consumer Protection examining the cfpbs latest action to restrict competition in payments in my view is critical because its going to talk about this large participants in of Digital Consumer payment applications market. This is the sixth lpr that the cfpb has initiated. And putting aside the egregiously short Comment Period which frustrates both members of this committee, the deeply flawed cost benefit analysis which are both have become hallmarks of this administration i find the substance of pr
On many essential attributes of a plan. It would be extremely challenging too used to document as a document to hold the iris, the Treasury Department, or anybody else accountable for missteps. The few things it almost entirely lax are quantitative targets to measure against, backup data to analyze, and various key operational details including, for example, who at the irs or Treasury Department is ultimately responsible for making decisions on any particular issue. This does not give any detail on how the irs will implement secretary yellens 400,000 dollar pledge. And details really matter here. It also does not estimate what any of the 42 initiatives or 190 odd key projects are expected to cost or clearly answer the basic question of which initiative or key projects can be fully implemented with the 80 billion dollars in funding. What the document quietly admits is astonishing. Despite contrary rhetoric, the irate did not give the irs enough funding to fully realize the plans divisio