Special to the Tribune
The New York Times reported on the President William McKinley’s health in its Jan. 8 issue:
“WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 President McKinley has a slight cold this morning and is denying himself to all callers. The cold is not serious and will not interfere with the reception to the Diplomatic Corps to be given at the White House Wednesday night. The President and Mrs. McKinley have abandoned their proposed trip to Canton Thursday, where they were going to attend the funeral of Assistant Paymaster of the Navy Barber, who was a nephew of Mrs. McKinley. “The prevailing epidemic of influenza has caused quite a large Congressional sick list. Speaker David B. Henderson is progressing well and is out of bed, but it was not deemed advisable to have him resume the duties of the Speakership today. Chairman Henry Clay Payne of the Ways and Means Committee was among those slightly indisposed today, and did not attend the session of the House.”