Brazilian Danelo Cavalcante, who was living in Royersford, was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023. The 34-year-old killed Deborah Brandao in front of her young daughter and son in 2021 in Schuylkill Township, Chester County.
WEST CHESTER — It took more than 30 stab wounds for Danelo Sousa Cavalcante to end the life of his ex-girlfriend at her home in northern Chester County two years ago, while her young children watched. It took fewer than 30 minutes for the jury of seven men and five women who heard Cavalcante’s case to […]
After stabbing his former girlfriend more than 30 times at her Schuylkill home in front of her two young children, Danelo Cavalcante fled in his Hyundai Sonata and called Francisco Lima, who lived in Phoenixville with his sister.
The 9-year-old daughter of Deborah Brandao, who was stabbed more than 30 times by ex-boyfriend Danelo Calvalcante, told a jury panel in Chester County Common Pleas Court Monday, Aug. 14, 2023 that she and her brother were playing outside their home when their mother’s ex-boyfriend drove up.