Four men were arrested for allegedly robbing Rs 40 lakh cash and gold from a jewellery shop in east Delhiās Shahdara by posing as CBI officials after being inspired by Bollywood movie Special 26, police said on Wednesday. The accused have been identified as Sandeep Bhatnagar, (54), Pawan Gupta, (47), Yogesh Kumar, (58) and Himanshu (35), they said. Inspired by Special-26,
Bengaluru, May 8 (IANS) Matrimony super app Betterhalf on Monday said it will expand the leadership team and increase the current headcount of 150 employees
Bengaluru, May 8: Matrimony super app Betterhalf on Monday said it will expand the leadership team and increase the current headcount of 150 employees to 250.
In an exciting endeavour to promote swimming in the state and identify exceptional talent, the Department of Sports Government of Odisha in collaboration with K
In an exciting endeavour to promote swimming in the state and identify exceptional talent, the Kalinga Super Swimming Series organized by the Kalinga Aquatic Cl