community, kleasen s past was littered with firearms offenses and odd behavior. three wives had left him, the last when she found him taking a bath with a disemboweled deer. dear brother blair, sick of not doing much. i will not mess about any longer. i m going for the kill. now kleasen s anger seemed focused on the mormon church as he began to write a series of threatening letters to the local bishop. there was a lot of things in the letters about being cia, big brother was watching you. i gave up everything that i owned and was chased, tracked down jailed and insulted, not only by my enemies, but by the church itself. when i got through reading those letters, i knew we had a problem with the guy. i do not want a pat on the head or a paw shake. i want blood. i want to go after my false accusers now and bring them to dishonor.