KUALA LUMPUR: Lebanese jewellery firm Global Royalty Trading SAL will re-file a suit against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor to seek damages for 43 pieces of jewellery worth US$14.57mil (RM61mil) allegedly still in the possession of the wife of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Kuala Lumpur: Lawyers acting for Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor said they have yet to receive the writ and statement of claim from plaintiff Global Royalty Trading SAL who are seeking damages of US$14.57 million (RM67.46 million) for missing jewellery.
While the finishing touches are being put to the two-tower Pavilion Residences, the owner of one of these towers is getting ready to sell the luxury condo units in what is described as a “depressed market”.IMMO Pavilion, a German investment services group that acquired Tower 1 en bloc in 1H2008, believes it is the right time to sell as it sees confidence returning to the market. The towers, which have 368 condo units, sit atop a 7-storey retail podium that houses the Pavilion KL shopping mall on Jalan Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur. The towers and mall are part of the 12.6-acre leasehold Pavilion Kuala Lumpur urban development project. The project has a gross development value of over RM3 billion and also features a 19-storey office tower and a 180-room boutique hotel.The owner of Tower 2 is international financier Kuwait Finance House (KFH), which previously held a 49% stake in the entire Pavilion KL development through Baitak Asia Real Estate Fund, a joint venture between KFH and
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 The Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) today confirmed that it is not appealing against the High Court ruling to return to Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his.