Heard the courts decision. Dmitri, i congratulate you on your speech, i am sure you have something to share with us. I congratulate katerina, i also congratulate all the viewers of the tv channel, so it really is the maidans Business Today received a sentence, a sentence, five, berkut employees heard the sentences today, but only two were present today, because three were exchanged, in 2019, a total of five of them were exchanged, but two of them returned to ukraine and almost a year, the jury was in the deliberation room, and just today the verdict was announced in this case, so according to the verdict, among the five people who were indicted, the former deputy, commander of the militia regiment, especially appointed oleg berkut yanishevskyi with a sentence of life imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold positions related to Law Enforcement, former Police Officers of the special forces company of the indicated militia regiment, and Pavel Abroskin and Serhiy Zinchenko with
A Kyiv court sentenced five former Berkut officers accused of involvement in the Feb. 20, 2014 shootings of Euromaidan protestors, when 48 people died.