Students body was pulled from the schuylkill not far from where he was last scene. Live from manayunk with details. Sources close to this investigation say there appear to be no signs of foul play to Shane Montgomerys body. Green ribbons and flyers have been a fixture in manayunk for the search for missing Shane Montgomery. Now shane has been found. His body discovered fully clothed in the Schuylkill River saturday, just before noon. His cellphone still on him. At least the family gets closure. Its not the best outcome but they get closure and get to put it to rest. He disappeared after a night out with friends thanksgiving morning last seen living kildares pub. Last month differs with the garden state undercovery water unit located his keys in the water. Saturday they found him a half mile away ten feet from banks of schuylkill behind Manayunk Brewing Company near main street and sheers lane. Where he was it was about waist deep and for the most part its 6 7 foot not real deep. Just m