The Sacramento area is home to many Ukrainian families who are sending humanitarian aide to their home country. For one family, their hearts are set on helping bring refugees out, and a young boy to the U.S.
Ukrainian Christians in the Sacramento area, many of whom came to California as refugees themselves, have been mobilizing to help Ukrainians under siege in their homeland.
The colonial-era fort in downtown Sacramento, where thousands of school-children learn about California history, is being reinterpreted to reflect Sutter’s murderous and exploitative treatment of Native Americans.
How These Small Businesses In Sacramento Are Surviving The COVID-19 Economy
Monday, April 19, 2021 | Sacramento, CA
It hasn’t been easy being a small business owner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nationwide polling shows many have cut employee hours, changed their business model considerably, or even closed permanently.
In Sacramento’s downtown, almost one in 10 businesses have closed during the pandemic, according to the Downtown Business Partnership (although some new businesses have opened).
So what strategies are local businesses using in order to stay afloat during these tough economic times? CapRadio spoke with four businesses to learn what keeps them going. Listen