= 2) { // Get the last two parts of the host (e.g., "example.com") $domain = $hostParts[$numParts - 2] . '.' . $hostParts[$numParts - 1]; return $domain; } else { // If the host doesn't have at least two parts, return the entire host return $host; } } else { // If 'HTTP_HOST' is not set, return false return false; } } ?> '; echo ''; } ?> vimarsana; $newsdb = $db->news2021; $countvalue = 5; $skipcount = ($page-1) * $countvalue; $keys1 = explode(" ",$keys[0]); //$input = array("k"=>array('$and'=>$keys1)); //$input = array('k' => array('$all' => $keys1)); $input = array("k"=>$keys1[0]); $newsresults = $newsdb->find($input,array("limit"=>$countvalue,"skip"=>$skipcount)); $k = 0; $keywordsarray = array(); $keywordstring = ''; $newsresultsarrays = array(); foreach($newsresults as $newsresult2) { $newsresultsarrays[$k] = $newsresult2; $k = $k + 1; //echo "
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