After the Labour Court dismissed the interdict to stop the strike at ArcelorMittal South Africa, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has resumed the strike for a seven per cent wage increase and for cash benefits.
After five months of negotiations, the United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL), which is affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, signed a collective bargaining agreement with steelmaker ArcelorMittal Liberia on 12 March which will benefit 1,260 workers and create 400 permanent jobs.
Zimbabwean energy workers have written to their employer, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), stating that they are no longer able to report for work because of poverty wages.
With several oil and gas refineries closing and further closures planned, unions are calling on the South African government to intervene to save jobs.
With new automotive assembly plants being commissioned in Ghana, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU), is intensifying its recruitment and organizing of workers in the sector.