And new Research Reveals the u. S. Led operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul from i saw may have led to ten times more civilian deaths than was initially claimed. You watching weekly here a lot International Live from moscow studio with me material today is all round up of the top stories over the last week and the latest news of the day welcome to the program tensions over jerusalem again dominated the news this week on thursday twenty eight United Nations Member States issued a stern rebuke to the u. S. Voting to reject recognition of the disputed city as israels capital the condemnation came despite intense pressure and threats from american officials. When we make a decision about where to locate our embassy we dont expect those weve helped to target us on thursday theyll be a vote criticizing our choice the us will be taking names. They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us while were watching those votes let us vot
Im Kate Partridge and youre watching the latest headlines here at r. T. International thank you for joining us. Of kurdish speaking years edis are still being kept hostage in iraq despite the fall of Islamic State many of them are children who have been abducted and sold at slave markets arties Senior Correspondent what i guess day of reports on the long way home from terrorist captivity. Age ten location. Bid ten thousand dollars russia nine location. Starting bid fifteen thousand dollars keenness age location syria starting bid. Thousand dollars. Age fifteen. Baghdad sold for two and thousand dollars was kidnapped by isis in mosul in two thousand and fifteen for near enough three years she endured horrible things things that no fifteen Year Old Girl or any woman should ever have to endure two hours ago she was bored back by her family here in baghdad no one called the police no one wanted to risk her life she spent her first hour. Crying in the hotel room wearing my isis tells its ho
A huge challenge for the authorities and these here organizers i go in one step further aside from usual safety berries and alcohol bans and socalled womens safety area is being set up its a zone where female guests who feel sexually harassed of just uncomfortable can get special help its been manned by members of german red cross and comes in response to events two years ago back then hundreds of women who were sexually assaulted at new year carnivals they were groped robbed intimidated and separated from their friends according to leaked police documents there were more than one thousand cases reported in cologne in hamburg alone more than two thousand men were reportedly involved most of them Asylum Seekers the new idea of the womens safety area has received a mixed reaction thats a good idea many people feel like need help but they dont know who to ask to do and having these services kind of nice i think Sexual Harassment was people who were in groups and you were so how do you get
A very warm welcome youre watching r. T. International broadcasting to you live from the russian capital and making erin i would start this hour with breaking news from on r. T. North and south korea have agreed to march together under a unified flag at the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony there will also be a joint into korean womens Ice Hockey Team holding to a statement made by the representatives of pyongyang and seoul following todays talks between the two countries south and north korean officials met for a third time in the space of just a few days to discuss peace efforts meanwhile the western allies of the nine hundred fifty s. Korean war have gathered in canada for separate talks on the Current Crisis with a seemingly different approach. The pressure came continue until north korea takes decides to do nuclear i think. Is to send out a very clear message that we want to intensify that pressure it is not the time to pressure. Career the surest path to peace is to keep threateni
Thank you for watching the headlines here at r. T. International broadcasting live from moscow. Donald trump says theres a possibility the north korean crisis wont be resolved peacefully the u. S. President claims thats because having dialogue with pyongyang is next to impossible meanwhile the goshi ations between the koreas have led to a major breakthrough in their relations arties morgan has more in this recent interview given by u. S. President donald trump trouble repeated much of his typical rhetoric demonizing north korea betraying them as a threat to the region and from there he went on to say that sanctions and isolation of the country and threats were probably the best approach because dialogue with that country might be impossible this is Donald Trumps words im not sure the talks will lead to anything meaningful theyve talked for twenty five years and theyve taken advantage of our president s of our previous president s to listen to trumps words you would think that the dialo