Not Game Over: Game Developers Tackle the Climate Crisis by Paula Escuadra on 02/16/21 09:17:00 pm The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutras community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
Original post written by Paula Escuadra and Hugo Bille, with amazing support from Rebecka Pettersson, Mark Videon, and Arnaud Fayolle.
The climate crisis impacts our ability to keep making and playing the games we know and love.
We as game makers and players have significant power to take truly meaningful action against this existential threat.
Paula Escuadra s Blog
Paula Angela Escuadra is the co-chair of the International Game Developers Association Climate Special Interest Group (IGDA Climate SIG) and previously the Games User Research Lead for Stadia Games & Entertainment’s Publishing division. She holds a dual MBA/MPA degree from Presidio Graduate School of Sustainable Management.