Should your organization consider a sponsorship program? Absolutely! An important aspect of an organization's ability to attract and retain engaged and committed employees is how the.
If you think of every professional activity – such as attending a conference– as a way to build your own brand and cultivate relationships, you will more effectively maximize every opportunity you have to brand yourself
This webinar will explore how to effectively use your personal brand to connect with colleagues, peers, referral sources and ideal clients both in-person and virtually to achieve your.
12 tips for effective in-person networking: Ask people about themselves more then I talk about myself. Practice active listening. Connect on LinkedIn with new and renewed contacts. LinkedIn QR code on my iPhone home screen to facilitate easy networking. Add contacts to CRM.
People Also Viewed section gives you a treasure trove of information on who LinkedIn thinks is in your competitive set,peer group or who have similar profiles/backgrounds to yours, and may also tell you that your brand needs adjustment if your peers are not in your market