1:01 So that database just went from like 12,000 to 100,000, said Paulette Simpson, a teacher librarian at North Avondale Montessori. They have books in every genre that the kids have interest in reading and seeing.
Simpson says the partnership was especially helpful during remote learning, but the benefits go far beyond that. I think about our special needs students they may not be able to read an actual book, they may have to have someone read the book to them, she said. But when you use Sora, it all depends on the book, that book can be read to them. They could be able to enlarge the print.
[Mar 9] Listen for key trends, technologies, and tactics that special district leaders need to know as they navigate their districts through uncertainty.
How do we build more resilient communities?
It’s a question that Matthew Stinchcomb, cofounder of the Lifeboats HV initiative and keynote speaker at the American Library Association’s 2021 Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits Virtual on-demand session “Resilience: How Libraries Can Partner to Reshape the Future,” thinks about often.
“If you look at the data on climate change and ecological destruction, there’s no doubt that it’s pretty dire. Continuing on our current path is untenable for humans and all living beings,” he said. “The current pandemic is showing just how irresilient many of our communities are and just how much inequity there is in our current economic system.”