by Paul Whitelaw
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.
Paul Whitelaw shares his TV highlights for the week ahead, with the simple pleasure of watching Bob Ross paint the pick of the bunch.
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross- BBC FOUR Monday to Thursday , 7pm
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.
The BBC’s most inspired decision during this horrific year was the emergency archival revival of Bob Ross, that exquisitely hirsute American painter whose gently hippie-infused presentation style is the very definition of escapist calm. When Bob daubs, all your worries vanish. In this latest run of repeats, originally broadcast in the early 1980s, Bob paints wintry vistas inspired by his love of nature. “Sometimes winter scenes can be so cold, they’re almost unpleasant. I like to make winter scenes…that make you feel good in here.” Irony be damned, watching Bob in his engrossing element is a wonderful thing. A nice, talented person creating art before your very eyes. He does mak