Good even, evening. Im the director of the work life project of the Wisconsin Humanities Council. Thank you all for coming tonight to see Amy Goldsteins book presentation. Janesville, an american story. And i thank amy for coming here today to talk about the lives of the hardworking people of janesville, you so beautifully document in your book. The book festival comes to life every year thanks to hard work and dedication of our friends at the Madison Public Library and the Madison Public Library foundation. This event could not be possible without the sponsorship of so many of our friends, so i would encourage everyone of you to go to the festival web site and find out more about our sponsors tonight. The Wisconsin Humanities Council is proud to sponsor amy this evening. Its a wonderful opportunity for us to continue to what our organization has done statewide for 45 years, which is to support and promote programs that use history, culture and discussion to strengthen Community Life i