justice everywhere. remember vincent chin, the pain, the whole, the heat, the love, the cries of injustice, the striving for fairness. most of all, remember. the struggle for justice lives on. today, the bullying, the profiling, all the stuff still going on, i am glad all these students are here, but mrs. chin is required. she stood out like a prophet. reverend jesse jackson flew into chinatown to back as a. the church is jumped in. it was the first moment of solidarity we felt back in the day. remember this day. thank you. thank you so much. thank you, supervisor mar, for recognizing vincent chin day. as someone who is 27 years old, the same age as vincent when he was murdered, and as someone who went through bullying in high- school, it is a personal issue for me as well. i want to say on behalf of asian-pacific americans for progress, and the center of eric asian american media, we want to thank the board of supervisors for the commendation. we want to invite t
injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. people who fight for justice anywhere helps the cause of justice everywhere. remember vincent chin, the pain, the whole, the heat, the love, the cries of injustice, the striving for fairness. most of all, remember. the struggle for justice lives on. today, the bullying, the profiling, all the stuff still going on, i am glad all these students are here, but mrs. chin is required. she stood out like a prophet. reverend jesse jackson flew into chinatown to back as a. the church is jumped in. it was the first moment of solidarity we felt back in the day. remember this day. thank you. thank you so much. thank you, supervisor mar, for recognizing vincent chin day. as someone who is 27 years old, the same age as vincent when he was murdered, and as someone who went through bullying in high- school, it is a personal issue for me as well. i want to say on behalf of asian-pacific americans for progress, and the center of
supervisor farrell: aye. there are 10 ayes. president chiu: the ordnances past. item 40? an ordnance adopting in implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and municipal executives association. supervisor elsbernd: i ask for a motion to recuse myself. my wife is a member of the association. president chiu: motion seconded to excuse supervisor elsbernd. without objection? roll-call vote. item 40. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. president chiu: why don t we go to item 54? an ordnance amending the administrative code to reflect changes in job classifications in bargaining units. president chiu: rollcall vote. item 54. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: i was just this is the ordnance reflecting changes in