They were taken by NYC photographer Paul Seibert, who pushed his creativity to new heights to produce them - literally. Paul said: I loved how many lives are lived out in one frame.
On Wednesday (Aug. 3), the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame formally inducted its 16 newest members in a long-awaited event to recognize the CHRHF classes named in 2020 and 2021.
With over 200 pictures taken from helicopter and rooftop vantages, book New York From The Air takes readers on a breathtaking journey across the iconic skyline.
Beacon of Beauty
All photographs by Paul Seibert
When the idea of the Statue of Liberty was first raised around 1870, many Americans found the proposal, if not exactly insane, at least idiotic. Given that Lady Liberty has become the universal symbol of New York City and of America’s most cherished ideals, it is hard to imagine the hostility, perplexity, and indifference that it initially encountered. But perhaps it shouldn’t be so difficult. Suppose that a bevy of Frenchmen showed up and announced their desire to erect the world’s tallest statue a woman in classical attire in the middle of the world’s busiest harbor and then asked the locals to foot a good part of the bill for the project. Some Americans with classical training might remember the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the vanished wonders of the ancient world, together with the lofty statues of Nero and Constantine that once stood in Rome. Others might recall more recent statues such as those of Arminius in Germany and