so this is key. if democrats want to retake the house, they need 25 seats and think they can do it. and seniors vote. even though paul ryan has said no one 55 and older is going to have to worry about these changes, they will only affect people 5 or younger, seniors vote disproportionately compared to middle age and young people who don t vote that much in these kinds of elections. i think it s been lost in the arguments, wolf. but when the republicans were arguing about spending, excess spending too big government. if the argument gets over about protecting medicare, i want to say this caution, though. even though the republicans have to and the president is not as in good shape and these new numbers that have come out, a three-day rolling average, showing the approval rating and
eyes after ryan introduced his budget and we re in 2012 right now. yesterday asked if she stands by that death trap, here s the political rhetoric. forget about that. the paul ryan proposals, does it open them up? are they vulnerable in 2012 because of their support of this change in medicare. once again, paul ryan s plan is bold, outrageous, and the clinton health care plan was opened to what people tore
congressman, thank you for coming in. thank you. the situation in bahrain is also dire and driving one mother to take drastic measures to try to save a loved one s life. plus, the face of the revolution is here in the situation room. the internet executive, i m going to ask him what he thinks of the way things are going in egypt right now. and donald trump s media rampage continuing. now he s taking on his possible republican presidential opponents. , and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my allergy symptoms. it s the brand allergists recommend most. lilly and i are back on the road again, where we belong. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. [ male announcer ] one week only, save up to $11 on zyrtec® products. see sunday s newspaper. the 3.6-liter pentastar v6 engine in the jeep grand cherokee has a best in
said, you want to repeal health care? go at it. we ll have that debate. you re not going to be able to do that by nickel and diming me in the budget. you think we re stupid? reporter: the obama administration did not intend for this candid moment to become public but an audio feed so reporters not on the trip could hear his opening remarks was accidently left on. it was late in the evening and cbs radio correspondent mark knoller recorded it. a shot at congressman paul ryan, a vocal critic and the architect of a republican plan. he s just being america s accountant and trying to, you know, be responsible. this the same guy who voted for two wars that were unpaid for,
democrats are happy to play there. reporter: you didn t even have to go inside the capital to know where the day s political battle lines were drawn. hands off my medicare. reporter: democrats enlisted seniors to help rail against the republican budget. they are out to destroy social security, medicare, and medicaid. there is a time to draw a line in the sand and fight. reporter: the house republican budget calls for trillions of dollars in spending cuts in part by overhauling medicare, creating a new system where seniors buy their own subsidized private insurance. biggest threat to medicare, status quo. medicare goes bankrupt in nine years. reporter: paul ryan argued vigorously for his plan. more importantly, we save medicare, prevent bankruptcy, and what does the other side do? they sit by and watch the program go bankrupt. reporter: every single