money, organization, seriousness, and finally, to be able to survive scrutiny. newt gingrich cannot. he s as much as a flip-flopper as mitt romney is on cap and trade, climate change, on mandates and the paul ryan budget plan. a lot of evangelicals say that he has one ex-wife too many. i mean, he is getting the he s the beneficiary of this anti-romney sentiment that has been conveyed to one candidate after another, but as soon as those candidates come into the spot, and under the glare of scrutiny, they all wither. he seems to be next in line for this. john harris, i don t like to get too personal here, but as far as public officials go, basically, people look at newt gingrich and they wonder, i think, like you wonder, i wonder, is there a statute of limitations on being newt gingrich? i mean, basically, he gets rid of the earlier marriages, get rid of the early religions, which are fair game. but at some point, is your
there is a different point of view that says no, we need to stand on our own two feet. bob: what people want about government, 74% are on the federal government. if you want off of it, stop whining and don t take any dana: congressman paul ryan budget plan would strip it out. bob: not one republican will get behind it. eric: get greg in here. are we soft because we let obamacare sneak in, solyndra happen, g.m. bail-out, g.e. pay nothing income tax whatsoever? we may be soft. greg: it s like parents complaining that their children are fat. when they are the parents that are feeding them. kimberly: we re not soft. we have bad judgment in who we put in office. bob: you are unbelievable. eric: big brother, bob. coming up, governors brawl, a new airstrike launch by mitt
economy going. there is a different point of view that says no, we need to stand on our own two feet. bob: what people want about government, 74% are on the federal government. if you want off of it, stop whining and don t take any dana: congressman paul ryan budget plan would strip it out. bob: not one republican will get behind it. eric: get greg in here. are we soft because we let obamacare sneak in, solyndra happen, g.m. bail-out, g.e. pay nothing income tax whatsoever? we may be soft. greg: it s like parents complaining that their children are fat. when they are the parents that are feeding them. kimberly: we re not soft. we have bad judgment in who we put in office. bob: you are unbelievable. eric: big brother, bob. coming up, governors brawl, a new airstrike launch by mitt
runners on the corners. a sac fly to right field. cousins tagging at third. watch this, collision at the plate. cousins drills buster posey, separates him from the ball. posey is down and hearst. check this out again. posy took a shot from cousins who lowered the shoulder. giants medical staff comes on the field to help him off. posy diagnosed with an ankle injury. he ll have an x-ray today. that run was the difference in the game. marlins win 7-6. coming up at the top of the hour on morning joe, a vote in the senate on the paul ryan budget plan, a day after the special election in new york stay that showed how dangerous that thing might be for republicans. and we have ryan caught on tape talking politics with bill clinton. we ll show you. and when we come back, we ll huddle around the water cooler to watch oprah say good-bye. no celebrities, no cars under the seats, just oprah. way too early is coming right back. how can expedia save me even more on my hotel?
basically this, and very simple, will you listen to the american people? because their message could not be clearer. last night s results provide clear evidence that when voters learn about the republican plan to end medicare as we know it, they say no. the voters of the 26th district told republicans in washington what they think of the ryan plan. they told them exactly what they think of ending medicare as we know it. i hope they got the message. late this afternoon majority leader harry reid brought the ryan republican bill to a vote in the senate where it was defeated decisively with 40 votes in favor and 57 against. republican senator scott brown and susan collins and olympia snowe and lisa murkowski and rand paul voted no on the house republican bill. today, republican presidential candidate tim pawlenty carefully and wisely distanced himself from the ryan republican proposal for medicare.