/PRNewswire/ Erosion is damaging America s #1 dinosaur tracksite, but to what degree and how quickly are unknowns. New mapping efforts will set the baseline.
Fossils from end of ice age found as crews dig up dirt for Central 70 Project
Central 70 Project crews find fossils during excavation
By: Stephanie Butzer
and last updated 2021-05-18 21:42:57-04
As construction crews dug up dirt for the future westbound tunnel for the Central 70 Project, they came across something exciting, though not surprising â seven fossils.
The fossils included teeth of a camel-like creature called Camelops and an upper molar tooth of an ancient horse, plus some other bones that have not yet been identified.
Paul Murphey, vice president and paleontology program director for Paleo Solutions, said his company works with Kiewit Corporation, the contractor for the Central 70 Project. Should crews find suspected fossils, Paleo Solutions, a paleontological and cultural resources consulting service company, would send a paleontologist out to investigate.
The overhaul of Interstate 70 near Colorado Boulevard in central Denver, Colo is hitting a milestone later in May when traffic will be shifted to the new underpass.