Article: Bottom-up Electoral Reform - This article is really a plea for help with spreading the word about BAV. There are a few people who support this method of voting but that number is now quite small compared to the number who are completely unaware of it.
So long as that is true, it will not even be a candidate for adoption. Changing that will not be easy, but the article proposes a strategy.
Article: Bottom-up Electoral Reform - This article is really a plea for help with spreading the word about BAV. There are a few people who support this method of voting but that number is now quite small compared to the number who are completely unaware of it.
So long as that is true, it will not even be a candidate for adoption. Changing that will not be easy, but the article proposes a strategy.
Article: Condorcet and the Spoiler Effect - This article follows up on a misstatement in the previous article and explores some implications. In particular, it makes some comparisons between several different voting systems and approches to comparing their merits.
Article: Condorcet and the Spoiler Effect - This article follows up on a misstatement in the previous article and explores some implications. In particular, it makes some comparisons between several different voting systems and approches to comparing their merits.
Article: Notation for Voting Systems - The great similarity of both the terminology and notation shared by approval voting and balanced approval voting is explored in this article. The article also points out a sometimes troubling assumption behind some common notations for scoring voting systems that can easily be unnoticed.