The Mississippi Headwaters Audubon Society will host a local nature discussion on the effects of climate change at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 28, at Paul Bunyan Park, 300 Bemidji Ave. N.
Several hundred people walked in solidarity on Thursday to raise awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Many held signs bearing messages like “Bring her home” and “No more stolen sisters,” while others painted red handprints on their faces to display the cause's symbol.
Just over two months after her disappearance, friends, family and community members gathered on Sunday to spread awareness about missing 15-year-old Nevaeh Kingbird.
According to a release, Santa's reindeer lost track of time while exploring Bemidji, and although he found Rudolph, he needs help rounding up the rest of the reindeer in time for the holidays.