I am aghast, alarmed, astounded, shocked, and horrified. If pushed, I might admit to being flabbergasted (rarely has my flabber been so gasted). If I were feeling uncouth, I might even go so far as to say I was gobsmacked. How could something as awesome as what I am about to discuss have existed for…
Complete Industry-Leading Ultra-Low Powered Solution to Enable Billions of Future IoT Devices with Voice Functionality
Austin, TX – May 11, 2021
Ambiq, a technology leader recognized in ultra-low power microcontrollers (MCU), System-on-Chips (SoC), and Real-time Clocks (RTC), today introduced the new Ambiq Voice-on-SPOT™ (VoS) Kit, designed for manufacturers to introduce voice-command into their IoT devices with faster time-to-market. Aimed to deliver the complete ultra-low power solution at both the MCU and the system levels, the VoS Kit integrates Ambiq’s hardware and software with peripherals and third-party IP, including signal processing using DSP Concepts’ Audio Weaver, Sensory™ VoiceHub, and Retune DSP® VoiceSpot.
The speech and voice recognition market is projected to be worth $27.16 billion by 2025
Complete Industry-Leading Ultra-Low Powered Solution to Enable Billions of Future IoT Devices with Voice Functionality
Austin, TX – May 11, 2021 Ambiq, a technology leader recognized in ultra-low power microcontrollers (MCU), System-on-Chips (SoC), and Real-time Clocks (RTC), today introduced the new Ambiq Voice-on-SPOT™ (VoS) Kit, designed for manufacturers to introduce voice-command into their IoT devices with faster time-to-market. Aimed to deliver the complete ultra-low power solution at both the MCU and the system levels, the VoS Kit integrates Ambiq’s hardware and software with peripherals and third-party IP, including signal processing using DSP Concepts’ Audio Weaver, Sensory™ VoiceHub, and Retune DSP® VoiceSpot.
The speech and voice recognition market is projected to be worth $27.16 billion by 20251. Spurred by the pandemic, the adoption of voice assistants will continue to rise as both businesses and consumers�
Introducing TalkTogether for Audio Weaver: Clear Human-to-Human Communication, Seamlessly Integrated into any Design
Audio Weaver instantly removes complexity, reduces risk, and improves quality when designing and deploying personal, gaming, workplace, and public voice solutions
SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ DSP Concepts, whose Audio Weaver platform powers more than 50M devices for many of the world s best consumer and automotive brands, today announced the launch of TalkTogether: the company s first highly scalable and fully-integrated solution focused on human-to-human communications. Offering natural, full-duplex voice seamlessly deployed into Audio Weaver designs, TalkTogether removes the complexity and risk inherent in the design, development and deployment of voice communication products. Like TalkTo, DSP Concepts innovative audio front end solution, TalkTogether brings the same design flexibility and crystal clear audio to human-to-human communication;
Bose Brings Its Noise Cancellation Technology To Cars With DSP Concepts
Bose Brings Its Noise Cancellation Technology To Cars With DSP Concepts
Bose s technology minimises unwanted sound within cabins which are often caused while the vehicles are driving over rough roads.
Bose is bringing its QuietComfort technology to cars
This technology will be embedded in the Audio Weaver stack
Bose s QuietComfort brand is known across the world in premium noise-cancelling headphones and now, the brand is preparing to come to cars as well. The automotive systems division of Bose has collaborated with DSP Concepts Audio Weaver Platform which will bring the active sound management stack to the platform.The Bose QuietComfort Road Noise Control has been added to Audio Weaver enabling active noise cancellation technology in cars. It makes yet another addition to Audio Weaver which has over 500 market-proven modules. “Automotive brands operate in a very satur