The NT intervention initiated by the Coalition government of John Howard, with the bipartisan support of the Labor Party, demonstrates all too clearly the regressive agenda of both the Yes and No camps in the current Voice referendum.
Forty-five medical specialists, supported by federal independent MP Monique Ryan, have outlined their concerns of both the direct and indirect health risks of fracking in a letter addressed to the NT Chief Minister.
“Nobody would want their children in there,” Josie Crawshaw told a 150-strong Invasion Day protest outside the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre. Stephen W Enciso reports.
Stephanie Dowrick s lessons of intimacy and solitude from the pandemic
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Rev Dr Stephanie Dowrick arrives at the Thai restaurant smiling and characteristically well prepared. The author has printed out a few documents that “might be useful” as we discuss a new edition of her bestselling book
Intimacy and Solitude. Here on the documents are the answers she gave to a New Zealand journalist recently about the effects of loneliness and the “beautiful benefits” of solitude. And here s her blog about how desperately important connection and communication can be in a time of pandemic.