one for private schools, and one for the rest of the state and make that very much a second class education. looking forward to that report tomorrow, alex! thanks lawrence. thank you, thank you. some fbi field agent then argued to prosecutors that they were inclined to believe trump. that may be the single most astonishing sentence ever written that includes the words fbi agents, and trump. some fbi field agents then argue to prosecutors that they were inclined to believe trump. and what decade could that sentence possibly be written? donald trump was already the subject along with his father, and the federal civil rights investigation, by the justice department, in the 1970s! when the trump company s racist practice has brought them dragged into court in new york by the justice department. some fbi field agents then argue to prosecutors that they were inclined to believe trump. i had that sentence memorized because i i just couldn t believe what my eyes were seeing
provide information present information into a courtroom without that being disclosed, but the bar for that is typically very high but again an espionage cases. that is certainly a concern that the government has. if they can plead, get a plea from this person. they don t have to worry about additional information. additional seat. critz making them out into the public light. so the fact the last thing i ll say is that was also a concern here because when you have a suspect who was facing serious jail time that is often a consideration in whether they cooperate or whether they try to, you know, go out in a hail of gunfire, right? we know this person was a gun enthusiast, so i think for everyone here, the operators, the fbi operators and the suspect the best possible outcome we re seeing on our screen. all right. josh campbell . kim dozier, david priest. thank you and evan perez and colonel cedric leighton. please stay with us. this is cnn breaking news. it is the top of the h
could change. if he comes i m going to punch him out. i have been waiting for this, for trespassing on the capitol grounds. i m going to punch him out and go to jail and be happy. we are seeing more of that incredible video of speaker nancy pelosi on january 6th demanding protection from trump s government and making sure lawmakers of both parties stayed safe. while trump infamously did nothing. also tonight, the chilling new questions being raised by the january 6th select committee. about the secret service and members of the fbi. and senator ron johnson might have a second career in stand-up comedy because the audience sheer was laughing at him at this debate with mandela barnes. and he wasn t even trying to be funny. we begin the reidout tonight with reality crashing down on donald j. trump. with the house january 6th committee reminding us that trump was the driving force behind the attack on the capitol. he s reacting like a man who knows the walls are closi
the washington field office counterintelligence intelligence agents who do this kind of work. this is a specialist in hunting for leaks, and they were working with people from the pentagon, the army criminal investigative division as well as obviously people from the pentagon who are trying to do a damage assessment, which is like a work that s going to take a long lot more time. for them to do. you saw there alongside the attorney general, you saw lisa monaco, the deputy attorney general, paul abate, the deputy fbi director. that gives you a sense guys of how important the fbi, certainly the attorney general viewed this case because of the seriousness of the information that was being exposed. we re talking about documents that showed re very recent. you know, intelligence products from throughout the intelligence community, and that showed really is some intrusive, intrusive the intrusion of the of the u. s intelligence
be the hard charging prosecutor. now you look at the jay brought character in the story today, in that conference room, at the fbi, raising his voice, pushing this he s the guy that we now discover is pushing this faster and harder than anyone! yeah! so i agree if you look at this, it s just remarkable to me that this is just not the norm that you would normally have and you would have the national security division saying, let s slow down. it is worth noting that one of the things that happens here, just to give the fbi it s do, is that when this got to the deputy director, paul abate, he greenlight it and said we are going to do exactly what they justice department wants. so when i got to that very senior officials, this one forward. i do agree that day brad in this story looks like he s doing the responsible thing,