dizziness, confusion, weakness those are your clues you are looking for anything that could possibly contribute to a person s death. one dose, high enough dose could do all of that she found a love at las with husband number three. the charming jeopardy chain. younger guy, gourmet cook nuclear physicists i was impressed. then suddenly, she was gone a mystery illness that baffled even her doctors she shook like someone with the start of parkinson s what had killed her something at home? something at work? household items that s a possibility listen carefully. in this case, the most important clue of all just might come from the victim herself. this just seems like ther is some suspicion things tha have occurred. could this be murder? do you think that someone might be trying to poison you? that s an unpleasant way to die. yes and could she help solve it your disk are griping kin of a murder and should slo motion yes, rather diabolical. it s a mind
and in light of the type of illness that she had, and he tendency to use herbal medicin and non-traditional medicine it is very reasonable to think that - and this is not a drastic step maybe it was only accidentally drastic, an inadvertent overdose tha caused an unintentiona suicide. so the defense argued. prosecutor ebrahim baytieh sai it was no accident, it was a premeditated plot by pau curry. he married her, planning on collecting the life insurance, he murdered her by poisoning her and he collected on th life insurance the jury heard from linda s best friend merry seabold. i go upstairs to the extr bedroom and they re laying out on the bureau are all of her documents, her 401(k), her lif insurance. so somebody is lookin through her insurance, her 401(k), all of the stuff tha
charge me. that was his mistake because he never made tha meeting. oh, he never made tha meeting. 16 years after linda curr died - i m placing you under arres for the murder of linda curry. yvonne shull handcuffed pau curry. the man linda had loved, married and trusted. linda s best friend merr seabold heard the news back in california and i m sitting there and all a sudden i see paul currie mugshot and i m going, oh my gosh, look, there s paul what this mandate is, for about eight, nine months, he was watching the impact of wha he was doing on her, every day while at the same time, holdin her hand and saying i love you honey, i m here for you. honey you re describing a elaborate con. that ended up being a murder i slow motion. yes, elaborate, diabolical. paul curry entered a plea o not guilty prosecutor knew it would be tough case there was no physical evidence tying paul to linda s death.