running, she captures 57% in the poll, and bernie sanders at 28% in the polls. and now, looking at the biden effect, and what is happening on the democratic side, and here to join us to talk about the numbers and the impending decision is patty solis doyle and former hillary clinton adviser s.e. cupp, and so, when vice president joe biden asked if he was going to run, he said, he may not get there, and so he may not succeed, because certain windows may close, and he said, if that s it, it is it. and so what do you think that he is going to do? well, it is clearly a personal decision, and so i am not shure if he is going to get in. but if he gets in, he is a formidable candidate, and sitting vice president, and loved by the party, and judging
deportation of 11 million people, how does that get more than 27% of the louisiana tino vote? most of those here donald trump will offer hispanic voters, the same thing he offers all voters, economic opportunity, job growth, the chance to restore the wealth of the american dream. in this particular case, donald trump is much closer to the politics of the republican party. jeb has been all over the lot here, he s been for amnesty, then he disavowed his own book. let s face it, his real proposal is the status quo. latly, let me say trump is a builder. when he says he will build a wall, he s quite serious. as ronald reagan says, a country that cannot secure its borders is not a country. patty, you watch this from the democratic side, and donald trump is giving jeb bush something of an opportunity at least when it comes to the general election, if he s lucky
here, patty. you think he s going to do it? you think he can? i don t know if he s going to do it. i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall with the lunch between president obama and joe biden. roger stone, let me ask you, you know optics. the president had lunch with joe biden today. his press secretary said very nice stuff from the podium about him. is that kind of not quite an endorsement, but certainly not saying don t run? i would have liked to have been a fly on the wall with the meeting with senator warren. she stands between joe biden and a bid, she would be a much better candidate. but the last time joe biden ran for president, he got 1% in the iowa caucuses and had to drop out. roger stone, patty solis-doyle, thank you so much for being with me, despite what happened to both of your 401(k)s today. it was nice of you to give us the time. time for me to turn you over to wolf blitzer, who s in the
describe children being born to undocumented immigrant parents in the united states. he said that really what he was referring to was the fraudulent practice of certain individuals intentionally having their children in the united states so as to benefit from this issue here of birthright citizen ship. bush heads to colorado for yet another campaign event. now joining us donald trump former senior adviser, roger stone, and former campaign manager for hillary clinton back in 2008, patty solis doyle. let me start with you, roger. jeb bush wants more of that vote. how is what donald trump is doing, by pushing this immigration plan, pushing this wall, pushing the mass
about that. every time he does get asked about that, he is crystal clear that his position is he does believe they should be citizens. many of the republican candidates do, but not all. john kasich, many, many republicans. it s not fair to paint everybody with a one broad trump brush. i think that there are some people that are in his corner, most definitely, 20% of the people, but i think there s a lot of other people. republicans like me, republicans represented by folks like jeb bush, marco rubio, who feel differently. patty, i want to ask you something about something athena brought up. donald trump is beating hillary clinton in florida, according to the latest quinnipiac poll. do you know who he s not beating in florida? joe biden. joe biden leading in that same quinnipiac poll in a head-to-head matchup with donald trump. discuss. okay. before i do discuss, i want to go back to the anchor babies