Flash bangs to disorient you. He knows that his mishandling of this pandemic, his mishandling of the economy as a result has him losing this election right now. Now, look we almost have a hundred days until the election. I know people start voeing in october, but really in earnest november 3rd anything can happen. Things can get better with the pandemic, better with the economy. Anything could happen. But right now it is no coincidence that his unconstitutional, unethical and almost impossible suggestion to move the election coincides with our economys worst drop ever. Ever, okay . 32. 9 . I know he didnt address it. He doesnt give you bad news. Thats our job to give you the truth so that you can use it in your processing. I will not let him distract you on our watch. Between april and june we lost almost a third. Germany lost just 10 . China is up. Why arent we the best . Hes going to have to answer to you for that. Now, remember he told you this the other week. Im not a good listener
Of our gdp growth and yet, germany was down 10 . China. Remember, were going to get on top of china, only i can fix it. They were up 3 . Why . What happened to this being the best economy in the world . So, pay no mind to the president s delay the election flash bangs to disorient you. He knows that his mishandling of this pandemic, his handling of the economy, as a result, has li him losing this election now. Really, in earnest, november 3rd, anything can happen. Things can get better with the pandemic. Better with the economy. Anything could happen. But right now, it is no coincidence that his unconstitutional, unethical, and almost impossible suggestion to move the election, coincides with our economys worst drop, ever. Ever. Okay . 32. 9 . I know he didnt address it. He doesnt give you bad news. Thats our job. To give you the truth, so that you can use it in your processing. I will not let him distract you on our watch. Between april and june, we lost almost a third. Germany lost j