While Long Beach is searching for a new city manager to replace Donna Gayden, who resigned in January after nearly three years in the post, Ron Walsh, the city’s police commissioner and now its …
Donald Smith Jr. was a devoted family man, a natural leader, mentor to many, self taught in study and in the sports of skiing and tennis. He had a lifelong strong work ethic, was well respected, friend to all, honest and fair, and fiercely.
Cops busted Randy “Popper” Jones for shooting the 66th Precinct officer on a desolate street in East New York after luring the off-duty cop there with a phony car sale, authorities said.
Police reform advocates and others rallied at the State Capitol on Wednesday in support of a bill that would scale back qualified immunity, which prevents civil lawsuits for damages against public employees who violate someone’s constitutional rights unless the victim can prove the official violated “clearly established” law. But Gov. Hochul and some Democratic legislators oppose the proposal.