In Bihar's Panchayat by-election, votes will be cast for Mukhiya, Panchayat member and Panch on May 25. For the election, 86 polling stations have been | BLiTZ
Posted: Feb 01, 2021 11:26 AM CT | Last Updated: February 1
Afrah Ali is accused of killing Logan Nayneecassum on Friday in Saskatoon. Ali, 32, is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for second-degree murder.(Submitted by Saskatoon Police Service)
Murder suspect Afrah Ali s flight from Saskatoon homicide investigators ended with a bang last week in a ditch outside Whitefish, Mont.
A Canada-wide second-degree-murder warrant was issued for Ali in August 2020 after Logan Nayneecassum was fatally shot outside Aria Food and Spirits on Slimmon Road in Saskatoon. Ali, who also goes by Afrah Abdi, vanished after the shooting.
Documents filed in district court in Great Falls, Mont., detail the dramatic pursuit and arrest of the 32 year old.